K e p l e r
Robyn Lynch x Kepler Interactive, click here to enter the competition →

Kepler Interactive is a global publisher and game developer built on a unique co‑ownership model. Kepler gives studios a stake in the business and a leadership role in strategic decision-making, at the same time as preserving their creative independence, enabling them to make fun and commercially successful games appealing to a wide audience.

Our Games:
We love stories about people who create. We’re interested in how games influence other areas of creativity, and how we as game developers are influenced in turn. Read on below:

Our Studios

As a part of Kepler, studio founders become co-owners with a say in the decision-making process of the collective and are able to utilize the benefits that a model like this can provide. Marketing, operations, finance, publishing, technology and even team expertise: the combination of resources enables each studio to achieve their goals, all while maintaining creative freedom. Our studios include: